Dyspepsia Signs & Symptoms + Natural Herbal Treatment - REGALEN
Have you ever experienced an upset stomach accompanied by excessive gas and bloating after eating? There’s actually a more scientific term for this common health problem. I’m talking about dyspepsia. What is dyspepsia? Dyspepsia is the medical term for indigestion.
Indigestion or dyspepsia can be associated with the unpleasant symptoms defined as "abdominal discomfort, belching, flatulence, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and heartburn."(1)
Indigestion may be caused by a disease, but it primarily occurs because of stress or improper eating habits, smoking, drinking excessive quantities of coffee or alcohol, or hypersensitivity to particular foods.(2)
Dyspepsia is said to affect over 30 % of the population. So if you’re feeling any of the symptoms due to indigestion, you definitely want to read this article in its entirety to see how you can prevent indigestion and also to see what causes it in the first place.
If you only experience an upset stomach from time to time, you’ll still want to find out how you can avoid unwanted symptoms in the future. The good news is that there are some highly effective natural remedies for indigestion that are very inexpensive and they really work.
What causes indigestion?
A disease or an ulcer in the digestive tract might cause indigestion. However, for most people, it is the result of eating too much, eating too fast, eating high-fat foods, or eating during stressful situations. Indigestion is not caused by excess stomach acid. Swallowing a great deal of air when eating may increase the symptoms of belching and bloating, which are often associated with indigestion. Some medications can also irritate the stomach lining and cause indigestion.
Being tired or stressed, smoking, or drinking too much alcohol or caffeinated beverages can cause indigestion or make it worse. These factors can also worsen underlying conditions that cause indigestion, such as hiatal hernias and gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD). Emotional stress or other psychological conditions may result in abdominal pain.
Sometimes people have persistent indigestion that is not related to any of these factors. This type of indigestion is called functional, or nonulcer, and is caused by a problem with how food moves through the digestive tract.(3)
Indigestion can also commonly be caused by medications like NSAIDs, antibiotics, steroids and birth control pills. Other drug triggers include thyroid, cholesterol, blood pressure and pain medications. (4)
What diseases or conditions cause indigestion?
Disease or conditions that may cause indigestion include:
Ulcers (gastric or duodenal ulcer)
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
Hiatal hernia
Pregnancy (especially late term)
Inflammation of the pancreas (acute or chronic pancreatitis)
Inflammation of the stomach (acute or chronic gastritis)
Stomach infections and food poisoning
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Gastroparesis (a condition where the stomach doesn't empty properly, this often occurs in people with diabetes)
Food allergies or sensitivities (such as lactose intolerance)
Heart disease, angina, heart attack
Thyroid disease
Stomach cancer (rare) (5)
How can indigestion be treated?
Because indigestion is a symptom rather than a disease, treatment usually depends upon the underlying condition that is causing the indigestion. Excess stomach acid does not cause indigestion, so using antacids will not help your indigestion.
Conventional Treatment
A diagnosis of indigestion is typically based on a patient’s medical history, a physical examination and sometimes an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Other tests can be conducted such as stool tests, H. pylori testing, and other...
Typical treatment is prescription of acid-blocking medications (include ranitidine and omeprazole) or if you have H. pylori, then your doctor will more likely prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection which most of those come with many serious possible side effects. (6)
Natural and Alternative Approach & Treatment for Indigestion
BASIC PRINCIPLES of Alternative Medicine is based on Harmony and Disharmony
Let me first talk about the holistic approach to disease. Eastern terminology uses the concepts of harmony and disharmony. It does not use the terms health and illness; treatment and resolution of any health issue lie in helping to restore disturbed harmony. Indeed, this concerns neither treatment nor correction, but rather harmonization and balancing.
One may notice that all recommendations of traditional Chinese medicine, whether from the area of diet, or directly from the phase of treatment – e.g. acupuncture, are done to restore harmony in the body. Of course, we need not speak of the body alone. On the mental, emotional, and energy levels, on the level of our relationships with our surroundings, on the level of various areas of our Being, whether or not we take this strictly materialistically or in the sense of solely terrestrial Being, or in the sense of Being in a wider ideological context, we always arrive at harmony as a phenomenon of comfort and satisfaction, something much needed and desired. Harmony is ever more often emphasized not only in all the countries of the East; its path has found its way also to the world of Western civilization. Harmony is presented as far more important than luck (luck is generally not recommended because it concerns a marginal boundary having its own contradiction – if somebody is lucky, so shall he eventually become unlucky, thus good luck, just as bad luck, excludes harmony).
"We may consider internal peace, balance, temperance and peacefulness as a foundation for a healthy life, and, at the right place and time, for a sound mind.“
Yin and Yang
One of the founding principles of Eastern philosophy is the coactivity of two contrary forces – Yin and Yang, which are symbolized by the cosmic principle of the Monad.

Each of these two forces contain within itself the birth of the other. Moreover, neither can be completely suppressed, as one energy could not appear without the energy of the other. The symbol represents constant change, to which everything must succumb only to reemerge as the complete opposite, like hot into cold and growth into decay.
The dark part represents the passive female principle of Yin, characterized by mass, femininity, sensitivity, intuition and in action, the often wiser tactic of waiting. Its opposite is an expansive explosion, the quality of the light part of the Monad – function, active energy of Yang, typical for the masculine principle. It is characterized by its dynamic and sharp spreading outward, aggression, and analytical thinking. It is the driving force behind change.
The Principle of the Five herbal concentrates based on the ancient theory of Yin Yang and the Five Agents (Wu Xing), into which the latest findings from wide-ranging areas of phytotherapy, homeopathy, crystalopathy and bioresonance are incorporated.
Besides the differentiation of Yin and Yang, the ancient Chinese classified primordial Qi (energy) into five elements (agents) and six energies. The six energies arise from the constant movement of changes of Yin into Yang and vice-versa, the Five Agents are the manifestation thereof. The Chinese word for elements is far more illustrative than its versions translated into Western languages. Wu Xing when translated literally means five moving forces or five agents, thus something engaging actively, and not simply existing passively. We discover the Five Agents similarly as Yin and Yang in all spheres of life. Let us stop here at the five seasons – spring, summer, gossamer, autumn and winter. At the Earth’s five directions – north, south, east, west and middle, by which directions are measured. At the five tastes – sour, bitter, dull or sweet, pungent and salty. We move through five periods of the life cycle – childhood, youth, maturity, aging and old age. Unfolding from the Five Agents is the process of constant cyclical transformation of all things from birth, through growth, maturation, withering away and finally extinction.
As with Yin and Yang, everything of which our material and immaterial world is comprised may be divided into a table of Agents and Energies. Space tends towards harmony, so we know that the excess of one agent must necessary correlate with a lack of a different agent. Just imagine a children’s seesaw on the playground. When one child goes up, the other goes back down. If the child on the ground uses force to go higher, he swings upward, which of course sends the other child back to the ground. The more aggressively the children attempt to effect change, the sharper the impacts they must experience.
This is a shining example for us. If we want to achieve balance, to even out some disharmony, we must not hurry and use force. Through violent efforts to achieve balance, it may happen to us – just like the child on the seesaw – that not only do we not achieve balance, but we fall from the seesaw altogether and bump our noses. We work with this fundamental expectation – or we should do – in all fields, such as in astrology, traditional medicine, philosophy, feng shui, etc.
Similar to the theory of Yin Yang, the theory of the Five agents is older than the oldest preserved written texts. We only learn of the existence of the agents Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. The agents were named based on terrestrial substances most similar to the elements used to denote them. We may therefore deduce from these commodities the characteristics of individual agents, and vice-versa, include specific items into a Table of Agents based on their specific properties.
In the symbolic pentagram rose illustration, each element has an assigned area in our organism representing the Yin organ and its paired Yang partner. From the knowledge of activity of individual areas of the organism, correlations to other areas and their potency within the whole, five basic Pentagram® products have been developed – the Energy concentrates and creams. These five basic pairs of Pentagram® preparations represent the effect on five organ areas of the human body ( five stages to health), whose effects also cover all twelve basic energy channels (meridians), through which the systems of detoxification and regeneration of the human organism are influenced.

Relationships between Individual Organs
All body organs body are interconnected and influence each other. There exists an entire series of relationships, not just between organs, but also between individual systems, all that is going on inside becomes outwardly projected in some way. By observing outward expressions, it is possible to assess the condition inside organs, and thus understand the cause of the illness.
For deeper understanding of this issue, we must learn the energy channels in the body as they are known in traditional Chinese medicine. That is, if there are apparent symptoms of disharmony along an energy channel, then for example, pain may appear not only in the area of the organ to which the particular channel pertains, but also along its entire course.
These channels are also called meridians, because their longitudinal course is reminiscent of Planet Earth’s lines of longitude. We introduce twelve pairs of regular meridians (twelve to the left half of the body and twelve to the right) and two extraordinary non-paired meridians. Their energy is concentrated into acupuncture points, which are successfully used not only in therapeutic treatment by experts, but also as acupressure points in everyday life.
This new, progressive method of regeneration is founded upon the principles of bioinformation therapy and a holistic approach to man. It comes from the ancient theory of Yin Yang and the Five Agents (Wu Xing), into which the latest findings from wide-ranging areas of phytotherapy, homeopathy, crystalopathy and bioresonance are incorporated.
The carrier of bioinformation is an herbal polycomposite extract attuned to the order of the Five Agents to help bring all life processes in the body into a balanced state. This results in general harmonization of the personality of the individual, and thus to overall strengthening of immunity.
In developing our preparations, we also took into account the principle that each plant, mineral and other substances that can be used for regeneration have the greatest effect when diluted to the right degree. Bioinformation preparations developed based on this new method affect the human organism at several levels at once. Active substances from plants influence body organs directly through meridian interconnection, and by applying bioresonance, information components interrupt the cause of illness back in the person’s information field. By this synergistic effect, their maximum potency appears.
The entire revolutionary Energy regeneration system is formed of five basic wide-spectrum regeneration preparations, which mutually enhance one another and are designed to harmonize all important areas of the human organism. The word „wide-spectrum“ means that each preparation regenerates several areas at once.
One great advantage is the creativity of use of individual preparations and in the simplicity of the system, in which anybody can administer personal preventive healthcare.
From the outer corner of the eye, it rises in the curves to the top of the head, downwards to the area behind the ear, continues along the outside of the neck to the shoulder, to the hollow above the collar bones and side of the torso, leading all the way down to the little toe. From the corner of the eye, another branch splits off down to the lower jaw, connecting with the Three Burners Meridian, and through the cheek bone, it returns to the eye. The course of the entire path is complicated.
Physical manifestations of energy imbalance
Gallbladder ailments and gall stones, bitterness in the mouth, pain in the hypochondrium, frequent sighing, dry skin, droopy face, skin surface lacks oil and moisture, feeling of heat rising along the outer side of the calf and thigh, worsening condition of the bones (though this is a function belonging to the kidneys), headaches towards the front and at the corners of the eyes, stiffness of neck and shoulders, painful swelling in the hollow above the collar bones and in the armpits, inflammation of lymph nodes in the armpit or neck, profuse sweating, seizure with fever or chills, external pain of the joints at points along the path, of the ribs, hips, knees and ankles, immobility of the fourth toe.
Psychiatric manifestations of energy imbalance
Lack of creativity, lacking independent judgment, foggy thinking, inability to practically implement life plans, increased attention to details – perfectionism, excessive assumption of responsibility, chronic dissatisfaction, impatience, constant irritability.
Energy products harmonizing gall Bllader path is Regalen – Protektin

Use of Regalen from the mental point of view:
The product may be used also as to your mood and state of mind. Liver and gall bladder disorders express themselves in our state of mind as rage, impulsive behavior, anger, weak self-control, heightened irritability, oversensitiveness to noise or strong aromas and tastes, inflexible thinking, unbalanced behavior, overdone planning, hairsplitting, chronic dissatisfaction, obscure thinking. The aforementioned moods and conditions have a negative impact on liver and gall bladder and in all these cases Regalen may be used as a harmonizing agent.
Made With Bio-information:
Energy bio-information products affect a human body at several levels at the same time. While the active substances act directly on organs and processes in our body, the information factors obliterate a cause of illness in the information field through bio-resonance.
Regalen is a bio-information product with a wide-spectrum regenerative effect that is manufactured using the latest achievements in the fields of phytotherapy, psychotronics, crystal therapy and bio-resonance. This highly concentrated product (30 ml equals 400 ml of a typical extract) is made using a special technology. It contains neither alcohol, nor sugar; therefore it is suitable also for those suffering from diabetes. It contains all plant substances soluble in both, water and alcohol.
Regalen influences primarily the channels of liver, gall bladder, and three burners; and thus works on problems related to their inadequate functioning. However, it harmonizes also a number of other energy channels – e.g. yin connective, connective and side branch of the urinary bladder, tendo-muscular channel of large intestine, side branch of small intestine and stomach connective one.
The liver plays an important role in detoxification processes. Its pair organ is gall bladder. A non-resolved problem in liver can shortly cause problems in gall bladder and vice versa. Through consumption of a small amount of sour food we stimulate the function of liver. Large amounts of sour food have an opposite effect. Liver filters blood and rids it of toxins; it regulates blood sugar levels; it metabolizes carbohydrates, proteins and lipids; it produces enzymes and bile, which is necessary for the digestion of fats in the intestine. Together, the liver and the gall bladder represent two guardians who safeguard our internal purity.
Detoxication cannot take place if our intestines are not in a good condition. By overeating, we allow the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines, including the replication of fungi. This is mainly due to the fact that the food in the intestines cannot all be fermented and so it rots. If the function of the intestinal mucus has in some manner been impaired, the toxins excreted by the liver and those produced by fermentation return to the body. The detoxification processes of the body cannot keep up and waste products accumulate. They form various depots throughout the body, especially in fatty tissue, the joints and in the dysfunctional lymphatic system. Regalen contains a special blend of the essential oils that inhibits destructive processes and acts against fungi. For example, marigold oil has absolutely specific effect on fungi and it regenerates the liver. Intestinal malfunction disrupts the assimilation and absorption of elements and vitamins. If the organism is functioning correctly, it is capable of assimilating all the necessary substances to be found in a quality diet. Mega-doses of vitamins overload the body unnecessarily, and weaken its natural functions.
On the other hand, by removing the cause and bolstering the correct functioning of organs via their natural energy network, we will achieve the maximum regeneration of the body. Amara, which have been replaced in our diet by sugar, play an important role in this process of regeneration. As bile is bitter too, the amara supplied to the body improve the functioning of the liver. The ancient nations knew that amara facilitated the digestive process and thus every elixir of life contained amara in great quantities. These well-tried and tested substances act as “regenerators” in our bodies. A great number of allergies, eczema, various skin rashes and other civilization diseases are caused by the dys- or mal- function of the liver, gall bladder and kidneys. Amara are able to stimulate the production of anti-allergens in liver, as well as the detoxification of the body, all of which has a positive effect on the above mentioned health problems together with a positive effect on the heart. Regalen also contains a number of bio-active substances supporting the regeneration of cells.
Notice: The latest research has revealed that in the process of frying and baking of food containing starch is created a dangerous carcinogenic acrylamide. E.g., one chip (0.5 g) or French-fried potato (2 g) may contain so much of this substance that is maximum amount per one liter of water. Application of Regalen after meals facilitates digestion and detoxication of organism.
Detoxication of the body means its rejuvenation.
REGALEN composition:
Agrimonia eupatoria: is used in liver, stomach, intestine and gall bladder inflammation; in heart failure and fatigue. It is useful in the treatment of metabolic and digestive defects.
Chelidonium majus: is used in severe cases of liver and gall bladder disease; in eczema, allergy, gallstones, and asthma. It relieves spasms and cramps. It has been proved to have anticancer and antimycotic properties.
Galium verum: has a positive effect on the lymphatic system, and on the function of the spleen, liver and kidneys. It is used as a diuretic and spasmolytic agent.
Gentiana lutea: stimulates the production of erythrocytes and leucocytes. It is used in flatulence, in gall bladder dysfunction, and as a neuro-stimulating agent and stomachic.
Pimpinella saxifraga: stimulates the digestive processes and the production of bile. It is used in bronchitis, urolithiasis and mucosal inflammation of the larynx.
Plantago lanceolata: is used in liver disease, jaundice, gallstones, constipation, and chronic bronchitis. It contains germanium which has antimycotic properties.
Potentilla erecta: is used in stomach and small intestine inflammation; in diarrhea and internal bleeding. It stimulates the function of liver and has antibacterial properties.
Silybum marianum: the seeds are extremely well suited for the treatment of virtually all diseases of the liver and gall bladder. They regenerate and protect liver cells, and have antipyretic properties. They contain a great quantity of sulfur.
Taraxacum officinale: is used in diseases of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder and kidneys. It purifies the blood and intestines and stimulates digestion. It is very effective in diabetes and skin disease.
Veronica officinalis: is an effective diuretic. It purifies the blood and decreases blood cholesterol levels. It is used in diseases of the liver and spleen; and has a positive effect on eczema.
Saxifraga granulata: is used in cases of gallstones and urolithiasis, and in the treatment of mycosis and acne. It is also used for the regeneration of cells and in cases of dysfunction of the metabolic processes. Another application is in the treatment of liver, spleen and skin disease. It has a diuretic effect.
Marrubium vulgare: is effective in the treatment of internal purulent processes, peptic ulcers, cardiac arrhythmia, constipation, as well as in the treatment of respiratory tract, gall blader, and liver disease.
Artemisia abrotanum: stimulates the secretion of bile, metabolism, and proper liver functioning. It is effective in cases of fever, mycosis and heart disease.
Zanthoxylum piperitum: It is a plant of Ruta family with wide spectrum of effects mainly on liver, lungs, spleen, pancreas and the CNS. It has tonifying, antimicrobial and antiviral effects.
Furthermore, Regalen contains plant and mineral information, e.g. malachite, bismuth, and others.
The powerful detoxicating and regenerative effects of this complex of plants and information components may be used in allergies, eczema, psoriasis, impure skin, fungi in organism, asthma and their chronic conditions. It is also effective in dyspepsia and indigestion; in cases of gall bladder dysfunction or gallstones, flatulence, general exhaustion, photophobia, parasites in intestines. Furthermore it may be used in the regeneration of the liver damaged by infectious diseases such as jaundice, mononucleosis, etc. It is suitable for regeneration and nutrition of cartilages, in some cases of stomach and digestive tract disorders caused by different types of microorganisms. It may be used also in cases of hair rootlets ache and headaches occurring in the ear area and spreading toward cervical spine. The powerful detoxification effect of the natural substances may also be used in the detoxication and regeneration of cells, lowering of cholesterol level, immunity boosting, and in the prevention of cancer as well as the overall regeneration of the body. It is usable in all conditions caused by disharmony of the relevant energy channels.
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valid trough august 30th.