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RENOL - Kidney & Bladder Detox, Support and Cleanse

RENOL - Kidney & Bladder Detox, Support and Cleanse

SKU: 366615376135191
Use: rheumatism, arthritis, back pain, scoliosis, Bechterev's disease, urologic problems, infections of the urinary tract and kidneys, nephroliths, prostatitis, in cases of insufficient function of the adrenal gland and lymphatic system, in detoxication of the body after its intoxication with heavy metals, in premature canities, infertility, in hearing disorders, in lower extremity and peri-orbital oedema. It adjusts the function of kidneys and lymphatic system. For its detoxicating abilities this concentrate may be used in eczema, rashes, and acne; or in high and low blood pressure.The typical syndromes connected with the channel of kidneys and urinary bladder are throat inflammations, tonsilitis, high fever, anxiety, pain in the heart area, cold feet, nasal discharge of thin phlegm and blood, lacrimation, backache, pain in the loins, and a number of other problems. Enhancement of immunity, spleen, tendo-muscular channel of three burners, side branch of pericardium.
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    Use: rheumatism, arthritis, back pain, scoliosis, Bechterev's disease, urologic problems, infections of the urinary tract and kidneys, nephroliths, prostatitis, in cases of insufficient function of the adrenal gland and lymphatic system, in detoxication of the body after its intoxication with heavy metals, in premature canities, infertility, in hearing disorders, in lower extremity and peri-orbital oedema. It adjusts the function of kidneys and lymphatic system. For its detoxicating abilities this concentrate may be used in eczema, rashes, and acne; or in high and low blood pressure.The typical syndromes connected with the channel of kidneys and urinary bladder are throat inflammations, tonsilitis, high fever, anxiety, pain in the heart area, cold feet, nasal discharge of thin phlegm and blood, lacrimation, backache, pain in the loins, and a number of other problems. Enhancement of immunity, spleen, tendo-muscular channel of three burners, side branch of pericardium, for natural treatment in cases of rheumatoid arthritis and as septic arthritis knee herbal medicine for arthritis neck.


    Energy bio-information products affect a human body at several levels at the same time. While the active substances act directly on organs and processes in our body, the information factors obliterate a cause of illness in the information field through bio-resonance.


    Renol is a bio-information product with a wide-spectrum regenerative effect that is manufactured using the latest achievements in the fields of phytotherapy, psychotronics, crystal therapy and bio-resonance. This highly concentrated product (30 ml equals 400 ml of a typical extract) is made using a special technology.


    It contains neither alcohol, nor sugar; therefore it is suitable also for those suffering from diabetes. It contains all plant substances soluble in both, water and alcohol.


    Renol influences primarily the channels of kidneys and urinary bladder, spleen, tendo-muscular channel of three burners, side branch of pericardium; and thus works on problems related to the inadequate functioning of the aforementioned organs.


    The typical syndromes connected with the channel of kidneys and urinary bladder are throat inflammations, tonsilitis, high fever, anxiety, pain in the heart area, cold feet, nasal discharge of thin phlegm and blood, lacrimation, backache, pain in the loins, and a number of other problems.

    The organs in the human body are linked by energy channels, which distribute energy and transmit information between the individual body parts. If any organ within these channels is damaged, a chain reaction ensues throughout the channel. This reaction results in apparently disconnected medical complications of the corresponding organs. If the cause of organ disorder is only in energetics, then the information preparation is able to fix this disorder within few seconds after application. Removal of this disorder results in removal of the whole problem.

    The whole complex made up of herbs, energy crystals and homeopathic components has a positive effect on the human body in many areas; and it facilitates the body's renewal of its regeneration capabilities and internal harmony.


    How to get rid of fear?

    If a man has the impaired function of kidneys, then in his/her state of mind this condition may result in the feeling of fear. He/she may then suffer from various phobias, e.g. claustrophobia. He/she suffers from this phobia until the function of his/her kidneys is restored. Afterwards such person literally blooms out; gets rid of his/her fears and starts leading happier life.


    The kidneys are an organ that plays an important role in the detoxication processes. Their pair organ is urinary bladder. Kidneys control mineral management in our body. Their function gradually decreases from the age of twenty, which is why they deserve better care and the chance to regenerate. Through consumption of a small amount of salty food we stimulate the function of the kidneys; large amounts of salty food have an opposite effect. The kidneys are a site where some active hormones are produced; these regulate the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow or they play a role in the production of certain enzymes, which influence blood pressure. The resultant effect of the lymphatic system is also dependent on kidney functions, which play a role in acid-base equilibrium. If pH of the blood were to decrease below a certain level, the given person's life would be in grave danger. Our diet is an important factor in these processes: it is preferable that we consume more plant products than animal ones, as the latter's metabolites overload the kidneys and affect the pH of the blood. For the kidneys to be able to fulfill their functions optimally, 1250 ml of blood must flow through them every minute. If we are to ease up on our kidneys, we should not consume food that is extremely salty, sweet, spicy or sour; or food that has been preserved chemically; as all these then have to be excreted by the kidneys.


    The kidneys are very sensitive organs. The natural energy is stored in them. When this energy in kidneys vanishes, the body dies. Therefore it is advisable to strengthen the functioning of kidneys and in such way also save the natural energy.


    The whole complex of effective substances from herbs and the information component contained in this product may be used in various degenerative conditions of the joints associated with locomotory difficulties; in gout, rheumatism, arthritis, back pain, scoliosis, Bechterev's disease.


    This product may also be used in urologic problems, infections of the urinary tract and kidneys, in nephroliths, in problems associated with urination, in prostatitis, in cases of insufficient function of the adrenal gland and lymphatic system, in detoxication of the body after its intoxication with heavy metals, in premature canities, in some types of male infertility, in hearing disorders, in lower extremity and peri-orbital oedema. In view of the fact that it adjusts the function of kidneys and lymphatic system, it is very suitable for enhancement of immunity.


    For its detoxicating abilities this concentrate may be used in eczema, rashes, and acne; or in high and low blood pressure caused by the insufficient function of the urinary bladder and kidneys. It is usable in all conditions caused by disharmony of the relevant energy channels.


    For more detail information please see the brochure Regeneration in Pentagram where is a description of all main energy channels.


    Use of Renol in combination with other ENERGY products:

    Drags imun combined with Renol, Vitamarin, and Artrin cream earned name "arthritis medicine natural rheumatoid" from people who already tried it themselves.


    Renol, Drags imun, Artrin cream, Skeletin, and Vironal are the best sellection of septic arthritis knee herbal medicine for arthritis neck in Alternative medicine today.                                                                                              Septic arthritis is an inflammation of a joint caused by a bacteria infection other than gonorrhea.

    Causes:                                                                                                          Septic arthritis develops when bacteria spreads through the bloodstream to a joint. It may also occur when the joint is directly infected with bacteria during injury or surgery.


    Acute septic arthritis tends to be caused by organisms such as staphylococcus, streptococcus pneumoniae and group B streptococcus.


    Chronic septic arthritis (which occurs less frequently) is caused by organisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Candida albicans. The knee and the hip are the most commonly infected joints.


    The following increase your risk for septic arthritis:

    · Artificial joint implants · Bacterial infection · Chronic illness or disease · Intravenous (IV) drug abuse · Medications that suppress the immune system · Recent joint trauma · Recent joint arthroscopy or other surgery · Rheumatoid arthritis · Sickle cell disease


    Use of Renol from the mental point of view:

    The product may be used also as to your mood and state of mind. Lungs and large intestine disorders express themselves in our state of mind as fear, phobias, depression, timidity, shyness, indecisiveness, restlessness, touchiness, impatience, cynicism, feeling of hopelessness, carelessness, recklessness, CNS hyperactivity, inability to relax, aversion to cold.


    If you find yourself being in the aforementioned moods very often, it has a negative effect on your kidneys and urinary bladder. Renol can be used to harmonize the aforementioned conditions.


    Regeneration process and dosage:

    Shake well before use (approx. 21x). This leads to the dynamization of the information components, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the product.


    Take 3 – 9 drops 1-3x a day, half an hour before or after the meal. Put drops on a spoon and apply directly or put them in a glass of water. To stimulate the process of detoxication increase your intake of fluids within the period of regeneration process.


    The prevention dose is 3 drops a day, while the regeneration dose is 9 drops.

    In pregnancy no regeneration products should be used, unless a physician is consulted.

    In chronic conditions apply minimum dosage, in acute conditions maximum dosage. In the event of temporary or transient aggravation, decrease the dosage down to minimum, or take the syrup by drops even in longer intervals than one day. After improvement return to the original dosage. Do not discontinue, as these are symptoms of the reverse regeneration process, during which symptoms of previous diseases may appear. This phenomenon represents only a positive regenerative reaction!

    In severe cases and in serious hormonal dysfunctions we recommend smaller initial doses and the prior consultation of a physician.


    After three weeks interrupt the application for one week.

    In some cases, 1 package may suffice for regeneration; that is a one-month dose including a week-long pause. In more severe cases, more packages may be needed.

    Suitable for diabetics.

  • Renol Meridian


    It starts under the little toe and rises across the center of the arch, around the inner ankle and up along the inside calf through the hollow of the knee and the thigh, penetrating the spine and connecting with the kidneys via a channel to the urinary bladder. Its direct path protrudes upwards from the kidneys; it penetrates the liver and diaphragm, submerges into the lungs, continues along the neck and surrounds the root of the tongue. Its next branch exits the lungs, by a channel it leads to the heart and gathers in the middle of the chest.


    Physical manifestations of energy imbalance

    All illnesses of the kidney relating to their functions, loss of appetite, ruddy complexion, dark circles around the eyes, swollen eyelids, bags under the eyes, acne, eczema, dryness of palms, shortness of breath, coughing up bloody mucous, wheezing and gasping, heat in the mouth, dry tongue, in ammation of the throat, strep throat, hepatitis, blurred vision, arrhythmia, pain in the heart, painful feelings of stiffening and cold being drawn into the bones, fatigue, dif culties in sexual and hormonal areas, infertility, tendency towards abortions, delayed growth, chronic fatigue, headaches and sensitivity of the shoulders, the inner knees, thighs, calves and ankles, accompanied by the formation of swelling, burning pain in the feet, pain along the path, problems with hearing and balance, tinnitus, fragility of bones, cavity-prone teeth, stumbling, weakness of lower extremities.


    Psychiatric manifestations of energy imbalance

    Mental anguish, indecisiveness, hesitation, anxiety, sensitivity, impatience, cynicism, irritation, forgetfulness, decreased motivation, feelings of hopelessness, tendency towards unpleasantness and grief, phobias, timidity and fear.



    This longest and most complicated path starts at the inner corner of the eye, rises upwards through the forehead to the crown, where there are also branches leading to the ear and the brain. From here, it runs down the neck muscles and splits into two branches. The inner branch roughly copies the spine to the sacrum. At the waist, it has a connecting channel to the kidneys and urinary bladder. Another branch continues from the waist to the coccyx. Via the gluteus maximus muscle, it reemerges on the rear side of the thigh and its middle descends to the hollow of the knee. The outer branch continues from the neck through the inner edge of the scapula and on down to the small of the back, then continues through the gluteus maximus muscle around the hip joint to the hollow of the knee. Here both branches join and lead through the center of the rear of the calf and to the side around the ankle to the outer heel, along the outer edge of the foot ending at the little toe nail base.


    Physical manifestations of energy imbalance

    Headache penetrating into the brain and the fontanel, feeling of eyes being squeezed out of the head, pain reminiscent of pulled neck muscles, pain and stiffness in the spine, sore muscles in the neck, back, waist, buttocks, area behind the knees, rear side of the calves and heels, feelings of imbalance in the waist, knots in the hollow of the knee and sharp pain in the calves, hemorrhoids, fevers with chills, mental disorders manifesting as delirium, madness and seizures accompanied by loss of memory, tearing, discharge of thin mucous or blood from nose, yellow eyes, dif culties relating to urination, including incontinence and frequent urination, urine retention, enlarged prostate, bone diseases, certain forms of arthritis and osteoporosis, premature hair loss, graying and loss of shine, cavity-prone teeth, hearing failure, loss of mobility of little toe, insuf cient nourishing of tendons in the body, painful feelings of coldness in the extremities.


    Psychiatric manifestations of energy imbalance

    Restlessness, timidity, shyness, thoughtlessness, carelessness, hyperactivity of the autonomous nervous system with overreactions to stress and incapacity to relax, cowardice.

  • Renol Content

    Renol contains a special blend of essential oils and bioactive substances.

    Onosis spinosa: is used in metabolic defects; in urolithiasis, gout, dropsy and rheumatism.

    Calluna vulgaris: has a disinfectant and diuretic property. It is used in urolithiasis, in urinary bladder infection associated with prostate hypertrophy, in rheumatism and in joint pain and swellings.

    Artemisia dracunculus: contains iodine. It improves metabolism. It is used in colon irritable, and it has tonic and anti-sclerotic properties.

    Sambucus nigra: contains ruthenium that has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels. It is used in the treatment of intestinal and urinary bladder diseases. It influences contact eczema. It contains vitamin C.

    Arcticum lappa: is used in gout, rheumatism, chronic eczema, in inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, and in urolithiasis.

    Tropaeolum majus: contains a natural antibiotic which even in its lowest concentrations is effective against 46 strains of the Staphylococcus bacteria. It is used in the treatment of the urinary tract infections.

    Ribes nigrum: stimulates metabolism. It contains magnesium salts and vitamins B. It is used in rheumatism, in urethrocystitis.

    Geranium robertianum: is used in haematuria, in intestinal inflammation, in urolithiasis, in renal disease, in neural inflammation, in oedema, in eczema, and in infertility.

    Bidens tripartita: accelerates metabolic processes. It is used in liver and kidney diseases, in psoriasis, eczema, and allergies. It stimulates the adrenal glands.

    Polygonum aviculare: is used in gout, rheumatism, diarrhea, eczema, bronchitis, diseases of the kidney and urinary bladder. It flushes out small nephroliths.

    Solidago virgaurea: its main domain of application is in urology: in diseases of the kidneys, of the testicles, the prostate and the male sexual glands. It is also used in proteinuria, gout, rheumatism, urolithiasis, oedema, and arthritis.

    Conyza canadensis: is used in gout and internal bleeding, in urinary bladder and kidney infections, in eczema, rheumatism, colds, diseases of the prostate, as well as in cancers.

    Filipendula ulmaria: is used in rheumatism, oedema, eczema, polyarthritis, diseases of the kidney and bladder. It prevents putrefaction in the intestines.

    Verbena officinalis: affects the function of the liver, kidneys and spleen. It is useful in skin diseases, bronchitis and neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve.

    Epilobium parviforum: has a positive effect on the whole genito-urinary system. It is used in inflammation of the kidneys, bladder and prostate.

    Furthermore, Renol contains the information from plants, minerals, and oils, e.g., jasper, moldavite, fluorite, silver, and others.

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