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1h Personal Reading with Petra

1h Personal Reading with Petra


To request appointment with Petra Staskova,

please fill out the REGISTRATION FORM after you pay for your consultation

Petra will reply to your request shortly with

an appointment that fits your needs. 

  • Consultation With Petra

    Your desire for more – what’s next – it’s led you here. Working with Petra is nothing short of a life-changing endeavor. That is – if you’re ready for a change in your life. If you’re prepared to go deeper than you’ve ever gone, to go higher than you’ve thought possible – you’ve come to the right place.

    Once you meet with Petra, you quickly realize that she gets right to the point and is amazingly accurate about your current life and challenges that come with it. Petra also focuses on your true potential, purpose, mission and vision, how to bring them to the surface and how you can benefit from it; how to control  connections between you mind, emotions and behavior; how to define what you really want in life; and more.... 

    Petra not only provides invaluable guidance and direction to many, but also you will receive extremely accurate and valuable information, tools and guidance which then empower you to refocus, refine and re-evaluate important aspects of you life challenges which eventually will lead you towards using your common sense and open heart.

    Talking to Petra is like meeting a friend whom you loved so dearly, but lost a long time ago and finally met again. The friend that knows and senses everything about you, your sadness and your pain, and always seems to be able to tell you what to do about the things that trouble you. Petra is a Spiritual-soul consultant and through the special modalities she has developed over the years, Petra is able to reach your troubled soul deep down, heal the sadness and pain from your heart, repair the damage, encourage you, and give you the strength and the direction to continue through your life on this planet. Petra never judges you or your actions. She takes you for who you are. 

    She touches your soul and brings into your life a little bit of the Other Side, reminding you that you are a very precious, special and glorious soul. Petra fills your heart with unconditional love and grace and always tells you to use your common sense.

    Petra never controls your life or your decisions. She never tells you to do this or to do that. She simply gives you the choices, but you must make your own decisions! You are totally in control of your own life and should rely on your common sense and the facts that are available to you as you plan out your future and your journey on this planet. Look at the consultation with Petra as a valuable tool or a direction for your life. You still have to do it by yourself and experience all the lessons and face all the difficulties that life will bring to you, but at least you will know that you are on the right path and all the things that you do are making sense.

    More importantly, however, you’re probably not just looking to be heard. You’re a visionary, you have a mission, you have a purpose and you are seeking for clarity for your life. 

    Petra isn’t just an “intuitive” or “coach.” She’s a powerful navigator for life – The Oracle to your inner self, true self, and best self, and all that means in the world you live in every day. That translates from her private clients, from executives and industry thought leaders, to her group events for entities ranging from corporations to conventions.

    If you’re ready to move past everything that’s been holding you back, become fully motivated and empowered, and experience the strength in being truly seen – your journey begins here.

    Begin your exploration by choosing to work with Petra. 

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